Short Trip to Athens


General information:

Date: 30.01.2022-4.02.2022*

*might be +/- 1 day – depends on the constantly-changing flight ticket prices 

Price: 200-220*

*price may vary slightly also due to high demand for flight tickets 

In the sign-up form (released on Monday the 25th, oct), we will ask you to express your motivation for going on the trip – it will allow us to conduct a selection procedure since unfortunately, we don’t have unlimited spaces:(

Motivation ‘letter’ guidelines:

  • Express your motivations for going on the trip (why do you want to go, what do you expect to get out of it etc.) (max. 300 words)
  • State one or more suggestions for an activity in Athens
  • Why is Athens politically relevant

What does the price include?

  • Flight ticket (solely carry-on baggage)  
  • 5 night hostel stay 
  • Activities: 
    • Political i.e. visits to parliaments, embassies or meetings with refugee organizations
    • Cultural i.e. historic sites like The Acropolis 
    • Academic i.e. university and think tank visits
  • Public transport in Athens 

What does the price not include? 

  • Check-in luggage
  • Food 
  • Extra activities 
  • Transport to and from the airport in the NL  

Covid protocol: you must follow the Covid-19 guidelines of the host country and the Covid-19 protocol set up by SPIL.

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